By: Eveliina Ahonen
Sign Language
Artist Statement
Normal life can be enhanced with just a little imagination. Since a small child, I have spent my time imagining and envisioning the world in various creative ways. In time, I learned that what I was experiencing was a psychological phenomenon called pareidolia. Pareidolia is the mind responding to external stimuli by finding familiar patterns where none seem to exist to others. I was also exhibiting traits from the enneagram personality test number 7, where I tend “to connect concepts that initially don’t appear to be related”. This could be epitomized in the field of psychology in the Rorschach inkblot test, or even creative arts therapy, my field of study.
While these experiences are held only in my mind, my artwork aims to provide a glimpse into what I see using the power of imagination as I integrate surprising things.
In my exhibition called Sign Language, I am exploring the ambiguity of different signs and how they might be interpreted differently. Signs themselves are meant to be made clear and concise for everyone regardless of language barriers. Finding new meaning in the same shape showcases how different people view the same stimuli quite differently and critiques how signs (something that has been meticulously made to be clear) can in fact be read as something that is wildly different from its original intent and looked at in a new creative way. By limiting my interpretation to street signs, I hope to encourage viewers to find something new in the ordinary and to change their way of thinking when they see these same signs in the future. I hope to inspire imagination every day by not taking things at face value. Things are often more than what they may seem. Stop. Sign. Ahead.

This is your SIGN to click the slideshow below to see the different
pages of the book
This is your SIGN to
click the slideshow
below to see the
of the

This is your SIGN to
click the slideshow
below to see the
different pages
of the book
About Eveliina Ahonen
In April 2021, I will be graduating from Redeemer University with an honours major in Clinical Psychology. Along with this, I am majoring in Visual Arts with a minor in Theatre. My plan is to one day become a Creative Arts Therapist.